5 is not enough.
'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy', the complete 5 book Trilogy, deeper than you might think.
'Zen in the Martial Arts', plus a lot of other books on Zen Buddhism.
'B&O Power' if you are not a model railroader you will not understand.
'Thou art That' by Joseph Campbell, clearly stated some things that I was thinking for a long time.
The 'Bible', anyone who thinks they have not been influenced by this book is living under a rock, whether you have read it or not, possibly the most influential book in the world.
Actually I have read a lot more books that have had an influence on me, a lot of science fiction, but these are the ones that come to mind right now. Edward Hays has several books of modern parables that are interesting.
Last edited by thedoc; 01-12-2011 at 09:59 PM..