Originally Posted by filtherton
So you focus on one offhand comment and ignore his further elaborations in regards to that comment? And you're the one calling for greater understanding and dialogue? I mean shit, 18 people were just shot. Perhaps a Commando reference would have been more appropriate.
One- I do not believe it to be "one off handed comment." I heard him make several statements that made little or no sense to me. Yes, heard him, saw him say them.. not written on someone's blog or simply reported on one of the infotainment industry outlets.
Two- He makes off handed comments and makes level headed comments and I'm at fault somehow for listening to both? I really don't see where I stated everything this man said is just crazy. I simply stated his comments regarding gun carry laws and the event didn't make sense to me.
Three- The fact 18 people were shot depresses the shit out of me.
Originally Posted by filtherton
What are you talking about? That's not at all implied by my logic (though at this point, I think that most elected officials are full of shit). The sheriff has nothing to do with this. At this point he's a cog in the criminal justice process (assuming he's competent). Do you think he's going to cook the evidence to implicate Rush Limbaugh? Do you really think his opinion on the state of punditry or the relative aptness of Tombstone comparisons is relevant to anything?
He's an elected official. I'm not a resident of his county but I certainly think people who do live there should listen to what he says.
No, I do not believe he would try to "cook" any books to pin this on Rush. If anything I believe Rush would create some lie regarding that in an effort to get the sheriff recalled. Rush's rating would likely go up and he's a proven liar with a long history. Until recently I never heard of this Sheriff. For all I know he's a damn good Sheriff who made some rather odd conflicting statements one day.