Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Well, I would like to see the volume of screaming reduced so we might find actual solutions to our problems rather then simply yell at one another. Sad thing is this Giffords lady (I never heard of her before the event) sounds like the type of public official trying to make that happen. I read last night where the day before the shooting she sent out an e-mail stating pretty much just that. Now instead of becoming a nation reflecting on what needs to be done to make that happen we've just increased the volume of blame.
On the gun carry issue I found Sheriff Dupnik comments rather odd. He made it sound like Az. is full of gun toting trigger happy red necks. Doesn't the fact that no one else fired a shot dispel this idea? If he were right and Az. has become the "Tombstone" of the US wouldn't the air have been full of flying lead? Now we have a bunch of folks talking about tighter gun control, including several GOP members. An over reaction to inaccurate facts will not help us with our current problems, IMHO. But now we get to have that debate (again and again) instead of working towards many more serious issues the nation faces.
It might aid the effort of finding actual solutions if there wasn't an entire "news" network devoted to making money via sowing the seeds of political dischord.
Dupnik also said that he didn't think that Arizona's lax laws had anything to do with the shooting, and that he thought that this type of thing could happen in a state with more restrictive gun laws too, so it's possible you didn't get the whole "Dupnik" story.
Why do we care about what the sheriff said again?