I hate it when my "girlfriend" does this...
I'm litterally at a crossroads with myself.
I've been with my "girlfriend" (in quotations because I'm not exactly sure what she is now) for about almost 11 months now, and I am very confused about where this is going.
I fell she has little or no appreciation for me. I've tried doing everything I can to be her MAN. I've been polite to her, her family, and her friends. I've taken her on various dinner/movie dates (never let her paid a single cent for anything, except one time, and only one time, when I only had enough money for gas, since she lives 25 mins. from me and i have a gas guzzler of a car) I have never had a problem with driving that far to see her, in my eyes she was/is worth it. I've also taken her to Disneyland for about 4 times (not to mention that it's about an hour from where I live, also not to mention that I bought her tickets)
She loves Disneyland, and I do too. Anyone that thinks that Disneyland sucks, well I fell sorry for you.
Anyway aside from the fact that I've done everything I could to make her happy.. I still feel that somehow she just doesn't appreciate what I do for her, and that kills me.
I feel so stuck because I know deep down inside of her she does appreciate what I DO for her, but I dont feel that she appreciates ME as a person. Sometimes she goes online but doesn't even bother to message me or anything. I try calling or texting, but no response. I know when she's busy or not coz she'd go on "busy", but really she just has a lack of communication with me.
And... cut to two weekends ago.. she decided that we needed to take a break. OK well, for some reason I definitely know that taking a break would be fine, but then she's been talking about breaking up. I didn't take so well to that. I love her with all I've got. If I could give the the moon, I would.
Just a few days ago she tells me that we're back together and I couldn't have been happier..
Today she hasn't said a word to me, and I think shes back to thinking about breaking up.
I don't know what to do.