Originally Posted by ellie
I've heard this but won't believe it until I try it. This shit's nasty!
Today's your lucky day, ellie!
First, a lot of people unknowingly don't prep the sprouts correctly. You strip away the outer leaves, and then generally half them (to make them the right size for a bite and so they cook evenly). You then blanch them in salted water for a few minutes.
My favorite way to balance the vegetable-y flavor and texture of Brussels sprouts is with something rich and fatty like bacon or pancetta.
3 cups of Brussels sprouts, halved
1.5 lbs. pancetta, chopped
5-7 chestnuts, chopped
1 tsp olive oil
1 lemon for zesting
salt and pepper
Blanch the Brussels sprouts for a few minutes while you chop your pancetta or bacon. Put a bit of olive oil in a pan and pan fry the pancetta until the fat softens. Drain the sprouts and add them to the pan and cook, adding salt and pepper to taste. Reduce the heat slightly and chop and add the chestnuts. At the end, after about 5-10 minutes of cooking, zest a bit (maybe 8 passes) of lemon, and then squeeze a bit of the juice in.
While this is traditionally a bit of a Christmas dish, you can really have it any time of year. I can't promise you'll like it, but I have a feeling you will.