There are a lot of good points here - obviously you have to do what is BEST for YOU. I personally liked it, I am very outgoing and have no problem meeting people. Problem is if I met someone I was "attracted" to, and get a "date" I would find out maybe we really had nothing in common or that our goals are different after I spend $50-$80 on a date. So for $25 a month I could at least get an idea of the type of person they "appeared" to be and know if we had something in common besides attraction. I also happened to be around the same "groups" of people, Health Club, bars/restraunts in my area, sports and using Match helped me to meet people I would probably never otherwise meet.
I used Match and met a few people there, the ones I met looked and matched who they were online. Then I met my present girlfriend and know I have met my soulmate. I know though that I was lucky or it was destined so I am not saying you will meet your soulmate.
You will meet some interesting people, and I am sure some "freaks" - my best friend has dated several people as well and is still looking for "The One".
Best of luck to you,