"This quote from you basically sums it all up for me:
"What the world thinks isn't good enough- the world has never been kind to the jews, and most world governments have vested political interests(oil) in the middle east."
I'll just have to remember in the future if I read one of your posts and get angry, I'll have to remember what Im dealing with."
My point in the above quotation is that in order to truly understand the conflict, a person must think independently and examine the history and facts themselves, since governmental positions tend to be based on politics and economics. Just because world governments say something, doesn't necessarily mean that it is the truth. It also doesn't mean it isn't- my point is that individuals who care about the world we live in need to think independently. For example, I don't hear the UN ever talk about the Kurds, but they have been persecuted in the arab world more than almost anyone, and really deserve their own state as well. Just because the UN doesn't mention them, this doesn't mean it isn't a real issue and a reality. It is likely not mentioned because no one wants to piss off Turkey, and there is nothing politically to gain by supporting the Kurds. Similarly, if world governments in the UN mostly agree on something about the Arab-Israeli conflict, these opinions are shaped by individual political interests. Governments are rarely motivated by idealism.
I could obviously provide many more examples, if you contest this reality. And Sun-Tzu, please articulate just "what you are dealing with" that makes you so upset. Instead of trying to de-legitimize me, why not prove me wrong, if you can. That, I thought, was the point of the message board and of the exchange. If you can't, then if you're intellectually honest concede, and if you are unwilling ("don't confuse me with the facts") then at least please don't engage in personal attacks. Just let the debate go. Thanks in advance, we are all grown-ups here.
Truth is peace. We are all souls in bodies.