It is like taking Twain's articulation of Jim's dialect and running it through a Shakespeare transmogrifier so that he speaks with the Bard's gift of language. The result is a parody of what Twain intended. A parody created for whatever current reasoning that can be sold to/cater to the current book-buying public.
So long as the book is very clearly labeled on both front and back as a rewrite for tender WASP North American sensibilities and not using Mr. Clemens' original words I don't give a drat. If the powers that be start ghettoizing language by only allowing certain segments of society to use particular phrases, words or vernacular - at that point we will have a real problem. Till then it is a minor tempest in a recurring theme that ebbs and flows.
I actually wonder from time to time what common usage language will be verboten in a generation or two. Have any of you ever read newspapers from the turn of the last century? Looked at political cartoons from the late 1800's through to WWII? Whew. A case in point, my mom - a lovely woman who is a very forward thinking lady, had a favourite kitten when she was a girl. A pure black little thing cat it seems. Called Nig, or Niggy. Guess why. Nobody blinked an eye at that back then. Now she would be pilloried for such a thing if it were bruited about. Maybe if I had called my current dog Doofus, or Rebel, Old Yeller maybe - 70 years from now folks would want to get in my face because I didn't pay attention to some new sea change in society that happens generations down the road.
just sayin'
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
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