Tilted Exercise
Admittedly, a forum might not be the best place to ask this sort of thing, but then again I didn't think Mormons had tax exemption status and look at me now.
Anywho, I'm wondering about what sort (if any) exercise programs the fine folks at TFP use. I'm preparing a role in a future film for myself and in order to sell it appropriately I need to be in shape--not Ahnold territory by any means, but more an "active male" look, like maybe I could hold my own in a bar fight or lift a heavy box without respiration problems.
While looking online for a good exercise program, I've hit a few snags but think I know what direction I'm going to go into. However, I'd like to know if any TFPers use or have used a good exercise program that might help a tall, skinny fellow graduate to tall, moderately muscular fellow.
(And yes, I know I have to eat more. I cringe at the thought of all the sandwich meat I'll be buying at the deli.)
It's a rare pleasure in this world to get your mind fucked. Usually it's just foreplay.
M.B. Keene