Originally Posted by Janie
Daniel, he would visit, but can't due to lack of time off from work.
Leto, thanks for your advice. That makes perfect sense. I'm not too sure what you mean by "he maybe upsetting you to calm his desire to see you", however. Could you clarify?
sure. What I was getting at is that he wants to see you, but the way he is going about it is upsetting for you as you just saw each other at Christmastime. So, he wants you to fly across the country (Canada is big and expensive to fly across!) so you two can spend some time together. and from the male perspective, this typically (sorry to be cynical) but not always means sex.
Once you've had your weekend or one week and you return, the scenario is destined to repeat. This goes back to my main advice around resolving the relationship or living arrangements.
Speaking from experience, I was in a long -D relationship after I graduated from university and my girlfriend had 2 more years to go. Even though we were only a 3 hour drive apart, I took it upon myself to visit each weekend just to keep ourselves relevant. But we also looked into our long range plan and decided it was a tenable situation because we could see a resolution (i.e. we decided to get married once she graduated).