Having a hard time committing 100% to/Focusing on projects
Hey All,
I've noticed a problem with regards to me and school work. I used to be the type of person who would tackle a paper, or some other big undertaking (arguing before a moot appellate board, 20 page appellate brief) with all my effort. In short, it was easy for me to become totally focused on the task at hand.
As of late, I've found it harder to focus.
I think it might be attributable to not meeting my 'career' goals in law school. I did not get straight As as I had hoped, I did not make any law journal (a huge resume booster and gives you experience in scholarly writing), nor did I make the cut for moot court (again, great experience in arguing before a board--something like you would do before the Supreme Court).
This is my last year, and as I'm writing my senior thesis (required to graduate), I find I'm often distracted, and it takes me much longer than it should to get anything done.
Is it because I'm in the wrong career field? Do I simply lack discipline? Have any members become disinterested, or, discouraged in their career and found it hard to focus? What was your remedy?
Last edited by KirStang; 01-03-2011 at 05:56 PM..