obligatory preface: (
oh! so THAT'S what OP has stood for all this time {
in my mind}.)
I'm not very good with openers. Hello. I've been holding onto this topic's idea / rumination-towards-creation for quite a while now.
Actually, let me check: alright, my online note-taking service says I conceived of this topic exactly six months ago, (
JULY 2) so I think
it's safe to say my procrastination bug is getting worse. All tangents and undue profferations about my scheduling aside, this is "
re-imagined cartoons".
This rolling & roaming artist's gallery will come to feature old cartoons, comics, a few video game characters here and there, all knotted up and splatted back out anew again to make something of a cool trip. In simpler terms, for the comic aficionados: this topic could be termed to be a junction for the
ALTERNATE UNIVERSE angle, played for fan reaction, what-if scenarios, and sometimes, just to see how awesome it would be (
super character A) interacted within (
brooding character B)'s homeworld. It's a cross-over dimensional stop: simple as that.
It seems I've used up all my available time for creation, but I'm just as winded anyway; Let's
BEGIN! ... with a bang:
- - - - -

Godzilla Vs The Transformers, illustrated by
Matt Frank.