Yes they're incredibly dangerous. The number one cause of death for motorcyclists is not actually the rider themselves, but other drivers. "Boxers" don't see motorcycles, don't care, merge into you, tailgate you (bikes stop in half the distance of a car) or turn left across you (incoming traffic) because they simply weren't looking for a motorcycle-sized target.
The second cause of death, so far as I know, is "failed to negotiate the curve", meaning a motorcyclist who forgot the cardinal lesson, i.e. look *through* the curve. They looked at another car, they looked across the road, they were distracted, they were going too fast, they braked too late, they were riding a bike with more HP than they should've, the conditions were poor, they forgot to check the air in their tires, etc., etc., ad nauseum.
I don't know the statistics, but I'd wager that motorcycles actually get in far fewer accidents per capita than cars. The problem is that *any* accident on a motorcycle is likely to be fatal. Even a properly protected rider (helmet, abrasion-resistant gloves, jacket, pants, boots) is likely to break a handful of bones from a crash above 25 mph.
That said, you can die on the shitter, of cancer, of a disease you didn't even know you had, a manufacturer defect in your house, exposure, in a bar fight, walking down the street, choking on your lunch, lighting your pilot light, slipping in the shower, tripping down the stairs, the flu, a domestic violence situation, or even self-inflicted gunshot wound.
I'd stay away from motorcycles if you're supremely uncomfortable with moderate to high risk things, but unless you have kids, I don't think you should be limiting yourself because other people are afraid for your safety. Ever seen that Ben Stiller movie, "Along Came Polly"? He wouldn't even eat Indian food because he knew the risk of infection was statistically higher. *You* have to decide where your line of comfort is, and abide it.
Note: If you do get a bike, do yourself and the world a favor and do a few things; life insurance policy for your loved ones (you should have one anyway, for the above causes of death), get a good SNELL + DOT helmet, don't get a bike above 750cc (see "more HP than they should have had"), and take the beginner (and advanced, if costs are reasonable) rider safety classes. Practice the low speed turn (avoid U-turn tipping over embarrassment), emergency braking (both brakes damn-near locked from 30 mph) and the emergency lane change. I still do the last two drills for a good hour or so - over and over again - each time I bring the bike out for the season.
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel
Last edited by Jinn; 12-30-2010 at 11:39 AM..