Originally posted by legolas
I am not like most men and get greatly offended when I'm included with the stereotypes. I work hard not to have it like that, so it makes my work worthless. I am sorry I made you girls feel threatened. And sorry for being sensitive to things. It's okay, just let it be in the past. I understand now.
legolas... i feel badly when you guys take it this way... it is important for you to know that an occasional RANT in the Ladies Lounge does not in any way shape or form mean that we group all men into one big clump in order to start our "She-ra Man-haters Club".
some days... for us women... it feels like our opinions and thoughts are
drowned out by the multitude of male voices in this forum... the LL is simply a place for us to find respite... that's all... nothing personal...
and if you men really wanted a" Men's Only" lounge... where women could not post... i can safely state that we Ladies would say "more power to you" and be fine with it...
please don't take the LL too personally... we are here because we want to be and generally like the company of you men... everyone once in a while we need a break... that's all... *warm smile*