For as long as I can remember, all I wanted to be was something where I could be paid to find stuff out and think. I trained in Chemistry, and Chemical Research, and went into industry.
I've never had a job that didn't in some way fulfil my dream of finding out and thinking, although I have worked in hospitals, pharmaceuticals, printing, and now medical devices.
For a time I chased money, and for a time I found it. It didn't make me especially happy, but I now have enough that I no longer have to worry about roof over the family, or food on the table.
I guess, as I've got older, what I've really found is that I want a job where I'm not bored, and earn enough to never be broke.
Overhead, the Albatross hangs motionless upon the air,
And deep beneath the rolling waves,
In labyrinths of Coral Caves,
The Echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand;
And everthing is Green and Submarine