You know, how Liberals are intrinsically hostile to Religion in general and Christianity in particular, and will as a result favour any non-Christian in almost any dispute with any Christian, and any Atheist over any Believer.
Or how Liberals are so in love with themselves that, rather than answer a simple and direct question in a simple and direct way, they'll predictably veer of into unintelligible pseudo-intellectual gobbledegook in order to both stroke their own egos (look how smart I am!) and confuse/obfuscate the issue. Mr. Obama is an unfortunate walking-talking-bullshitting avatar of this particular stereotype.
Or how Liberals are motivated primarily by jealousy and greed (thinly and poorly disguised as altruism) and a desire to punish anybody who has ever had any success in life of their own making.
Or how Liberals are too concerned about the possibility of drug-smuggling terrorists dying in the desert to give a fuck about the fact that they are, in fact, drug-smugglers and terrorists.
Or how an analogous concern for (and subliminal guilt over) collectivised racial sins of the past causes Liberals to be more concerned with making sure a Black criminal is released from prison than they are about the crimes he commits upon said release, or the severity of the crimes which landed him there in the first place.
Or how only Liberals could possibly be stupid enough to believe that the way out of debt is by borrowing -more- money, and that the way to make sure people are safe in their beds is to disarm them so that they cannot defend themselves while simultaneously castrating and hobbling the Police, and that the proper response to threats/bullying/assault is either to beg and reason with, bribe, or appease the bully in question, and that self-defense is somehow less dignified and socially acceptable than allowing onesself to be beaten, robbed or killed.
And those are the most polite of the stereotypes I routinely encounter. I'm sure with enough money, a properly manipulated sample, and a vague enough set of objectives, a study could be done which proves each of these bullshit statements to be "fact." It would be just as much horseshit as this alleged "study."