Originally posted by The_Dude
i just dont think people should post pic's of pre-pubescent kids anywhere.
to me, that's child porn and that's just my opinion
So are you therefor saying that these pictures are okay?
This is a key problem with "child" porn debates. Like in this particular debate the child was actully a 16 year old male. A far cry from pre-pubescent. So many people get tied up in their image of child porn that if someone first states something is child porn and then shows it to them nothing will change their mind about what it is. Even if it is an 18 year old woman who just looks young. They will get this image of some 43 year old touching 9 year old girls and go with that. Of course all of this goes back to to three related mind sets. The first is "Sex is dirty/evil/a sin/bad" the second is "All nudity is sexual (and inversely it can't be sexual without nudity. Which is to say most people would say a very provoctive picture of a 16 year old with tight bike shorts on IS sexual... but not illegal) " The third is "Anyone 17 and younger has no idea about sex and sexual manners and it should stay that way." Now of course the second two are completly false. The first one is debatable although I believe it is false. That is just me though. Sometimes we just need to look at our beliefs and question why we believe what we believe.