Originally Posted by kriswest
The wolf chews its leg off when the trap does not open. Humans do that in response to their government's actions. They will chew their proverbial legs right off. Governments tend to forget this rule. they do get caught up in their own actions of controlling the trap.
I don't think governments forget this at all, in fact I would say it's in the forefront of their minds. To me, it's more about control and power to the ruling body. They have control and they are in power. They will continue to reap more control and more power until they are stopped. To use your analogy of a trap: If the trap slams shut with intense and instant pain, people will go berserk. But, if the trap is eased shut, slowly with little pain and time to get used to the pain before the trap is closed tighter. There is no reason to 'chew off a leg'. It has become, over time, a slightly annoying restriction that everyone is comfortable with.
Like an Elephant at the Circus. Tethered to a small stake with a small rope. There is no way, the stake or the rope can hold the Elephant, but over time, from birth, the Elephant has been trained. As a baby it strained against the rope and stake, but couldn't move them. Now as a much more powerful adult, it knows no better and unless something terrifies or angers the Elephant enough to over come the training. It will never test the rope or stake again.
Governments are very well aware of this. It's also why you get the far left and far right 'loonies' yelling "the sky is falling" with every little impingement of our freedoms. They are looking at the big picture, the fact that just one little law or restriction goes unnoticed, but in the long run; thousands of little laws and restrictions, put us in a cage from which we can never escape.
But the problem is not the Government, it is the populous. They can not take what we won't give them. Remember we are the Elephant, laws are the rope, government the stake. But if we allow them to build an Iron cage around us, one bar at a time. Eventually, we will not be able to escape. Our duty as citizens is to continuously tug at the rope and break it, to knock down the bars as they're erected, and to keep the stake in sight.
The laws restricting our freedoms enacted since 9/11 are bars, and to date none have been knocked down. The cage is nearly complete. As a citizen, how does that make you feel? I bet your still feeling comfortable.