Tron legacy: 4.5/10
I couldn’t connect with this film or any of the characters. If Flynn had the ability to destroy the virtual world, why didn’t he do this when Clu took over the city a 1000 cycles ago? Sure, it would have meant the end of his life and the virtual world he created, but it would have been better than sitting around his virtual apartment for twenty years doing absolutely nothing.
The idea of using a CGI Flynn for a younger version of Jeff Bridges may have been a good idea at the time, but the digital face couldn’t express emotion and it just looked out of place from the entire film.
And why was Jeff Bridges acting like, The Dude from The Big Lebowski? Through most of this film, Flynn was saying “Far Out” and “Totally Radical, man”, which is a major distraction from the stylish yet shallow film.
I enjoyed Tron (1982) because of the original story line and terrible special effects, but didn’t enjoy Tron Legacy because of the weak story, dialog, digital Jeff Bridges face and the conversion of a 2-D film into 3-D. They need to improve the glasses, otherwise I am going to wait until it is released on DVD.