12-26-2010, 10:58 PM
#37 (permalink)
Still Crazy
Originally Posted by Plan9
Uuuuuhhh... what the hell?
It's an opinion, so no need for you spazz.
Let's, for the sake of argument, suggest "No" because everybody involved is an adult.
Thanks for your assumption. You are assuming that all involved are adults, so there are no strange feelings when they meet up, no one else was weirded out by boyfriends actions, etc.
Say what? That's just straight rude and totally out of bounds. Fantasy is fantasy. If I told every woman that I've ever masturbated to that I've done such, I probably wouldn't have any friends between the women themselves and their partners. Society has this complicated system called "tact" where we don't truth the shit out of each other because despite what we're taught in grade school, telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth doesn't apply to real life. How does telling the roommate/friends help this girl deal with her boyfriend's masturbation fantasies? It just pisses everybody off.
No, it is not out of bounds. You're still mistaking fantasy with a real photo, which changes the game somewhat. Also, girls do talk, girlfriends do share stuff, and this might be one of the things she wanted to ask her girlfriends about, solicit their opinions. Happens all the time. She wants her friends to be able to tell her it's OK or run for the hills.
Paradox time: Let's say this girlfriend never "snooped" and never discovered the pictures, does it change how the boyfriend masturbates?
Then either he's home free, with his girlfriend and their friends none the smarter for it.
Because stored images are a much greater crime than fantasy? I think the fantasy is the disease, porn just the symptom.
And fantasy doesn't connote impermanence for many of us. I've cuffed the cervix-stabber to the same fantasies for years.
Why should be honest about a private habit? Masturbation is a private habit for many men because women often make it shameful.
That'd be like a woman confessing to thinking about a former lover during sex. What good does it do the relationship? Oh yeah, none.
Should be that way. The question would be if he would react the same way if she masturbated to pictures of his male friends
...because women often make it shameful.
So it's okay to fap to pictures of one thing but not the other? And being honest shows this guy was a lot more mature than I was the last time I was "busted." Any man that can deal with an invasion of privacy like that without flipping a shit is a smooth operator. "Yeah, I beat off to it. So what?" Giant brass balls. Guy definitely hasn't been beat down by society's conundrum of XXX Porn Everywhere but Masturbation is Shameful bullshit. Hallelujah.
The best approach? "Yeah, I masturbate. And you watch chick flicks. Same goddamn thing. I don't need justification. Or your dirty looks."
I'd like to buy this dude a beer.
The rule to follow is go outside your immediate circle of friends to find your masturbatory specimens. No one is saying don't masturbate, just show some respect to your girl.
it's gritty