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Old 06-16-2003, 11:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: NorCal
Forlorn Father's Day Feels Fucked

I feel like shit. I really have no excuse, but I think Father’s Day depressed me.

I try to be a good dad. I work my ass off, but always make time for my family. From the minute I walk in the door from work, I’m playing with my kid. After he is in bed, I go back to work, sometimes late into the night. I work hard, so my family can have a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, and so my wife can be a stay home mom.

In the last six weeks, I’ve seen friends exactly twice. Why? Because I’m busy either working or being with my family.

I don’t give a shit about Christmas, or my birthday or any that. But dammit, I feel like I need a little recognition for my efforts at being a dad. It’s the most important thing I do, and it isn’t easy.

When Mother’s day rolls around, I honor my wife. I make sure she knows the day is HERS. She does a great job as a mother, and I make sure she knows it year ‘round. But on Mother’s Day – she is Queen.

But Father’s Day…I got a “Happy Father’s Day” and few T-shirts for Target. Then I was sent to Home Depot to buy cinder blocks... I worked around the house, and played with the kids. I made dinner, while my wife chatted on the phone with friends. Did anyone tell me I’m a good dad? Nope.

True, I needed the T-shirts. Maybe I’m just a big crybaby…

OK, so I’m a crybaby.

Listen, ladies. If your crybaby mate is a good dad, tell him. You don’t need to spend a lot of cash on a present. Just make him feel special. Recognize him. Any of the following would work for me. Tell me I’m a good dad and -

Cook a favorite meal
Take off with the kids and give me the afternoon to myself.
Blow job (‘nuff said)
Get a couple of your hottest friends to agree to FFFM orgy with us…(a guy can dream, can’t he?)
Give me a few T-shirts from Target…just tell me that you think I’m doing a good job as a dad.

Of course, there is always the possibility that I’m NOT being a good dad. And maybe that’s why I’m so bummed out.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.
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