Originally Posted by jewels
I'm lost on that one. Why bad? Are they popular now?
They are #1 and #2 for girls and boys, respectively, in the US.
Case in point: I recall thinking about the name "Rachel" for one of my daughters. A schoolteacher friend told me that all the Rachels she knew were brats. At that point in time, she scared me out of it, so I used the Rachel as a middle name.
I've often heard the "I can't name my daughter X, I knew an X once and she was a bitch!" argument, and to that I call bullshit: Once you have your child, that name will become so intrinsically linked to them that any past mildly negative meaning it may once have had will become completely obliterated. Unless the person you didn't like was an ex, I'd say an unpleasant person from your past having the name you want for your kids shouldn't disqualify it.