Originally Posted by telekinetic
Rule 3: Commonality
Good: Felicity, Alfred, Rory, Scarlet
Bad: Isabella, Olivia, Jacob, Ethan
I'm lost on that one. Why bad? Are they popular now?
I chose names from characters or writers of the literature I enjoyed based on a personality I came to know as each one grew in my womb.
I considered potential nicknames others would have for them. I thought about the flow with our surname. Imagery and all that -- not so much, as we all have visuals that go with names based on our own experiences. Just be sure they are yours, not someone else's.
Case in point: I recall thinking about the name "Rachel" for one of my daughters. A schoolteacher friend told me that all the Rachels she knew were brats. At that point in time, she scared me out of it, so I used the Rachel as a middle name.