I think you are correct, but I find it interesting that in an area as well defined as science there is room for differences in the manner of expression that allows for misunderstandings. The one phrase you used about the 'laws of physics breaking down' could stand some exploration. As I see it there are two cases where the laws of physics as science could break down, one at the instant of the Big Bang where current does not quite explain every thing. The other may be at the end of time space and the universe, if that occures, where our current understanding may not apply. The one phrase you used 'the edge of expansion' is problematical as the Universe is described as finite but unbounded which implies that there is no 'edge' and this is difficult to comprehend at best. If there is no 'edge' how can the laws of physics break down at this non-existant edge? This concept is counter intuitive and simply outside of human experience and possably understanding as well.