awesome responses!
I told my friend about kegels and she was shocked. We are both 34! I thought everyone knew the secret too. She said she didn't have her first orgasm until about 3 years ago. After her first child she had some sort of vaginal explosion not sure what the medical term she used was. She said her vagina had lost its elasticity. After the second kid she said that sex was just sick. After the third kid she started having bladder problems after going to the Dr she found out she had a prolapse of some sort. After several operations her vagina was reconstructed. They tightened her up, hung her bladder on some mesh and sent her on her merry way. She said the first time she ad sex after the surgery she could feel her husband! She felt the orgasm and didn't know what it was. She figured it out and was like, oh that is what theyre talking about! I will have to conduct research on that!