You way misquoted. Please don't do that.
He was just saying you need to practice more than twice a year.
Plan 9's trying to help you here.
You live in a state where you don't even have to take a basic test to carry concealed.
(& those tests are blargh way not enough training anyhows, different topic.)
A good gun class will train & help you understand how to function when your fight/flight adrenaline is pumping during a variety of scenarios,
whether it's in bed at night, or on the street. Daylight vs. Night, etc,
and also how to handle & become familiar with your gun blindfolded.
It's worth the investment. It truly is.
I'm not military trained. I don't know the pros & cons of the basic training methods.
Yeah, sure, I've read what other military folk have posted here & I hear that
the training isn't as thorough as it should be.
So, I'm going to quote Plan 9 again:
"Taking classes with guns made me good with guns. It's that simple."