I second the G19. It's a much better all around platform.
I dislike the 1911 for carry (although I love the platform) because of its weight and magazine capacity. The whole cocked & locked w/ a light trigger thing makes me feel uncomfortable too (YMMV).
I started out as a 1911 type of guy, but gravitated towards the polymer wonders, and now carry a G19. Ammunition's cheaper, you have more mag capacity, and polymer guns are generally more idiot proof than your average 1911. As a new shooter, the grip safety on the 1911 has caused me a few 'HERP-DERP' moments in matches where I drew the pistol and couldn't fire because of a less-than-perfect grip (so something you have to make sure you train around if you carry).
I also find it easier to conceal my G19, although, other individuals find the slim 1911 easier to conceal. The 1911 is also *heavy* so you'll always know it's there, whereas w/ the G19, it's light enough that I can forget that it's there.
If you MUST MUST go .45ACP, try to compare shooting guns like the FN45, M&P45, and HK45 alongside the 1911 before you decide. Sometimes choosing a carry gun isn't about shooting 1" groups at 25 yards--according to statistics, a defensive shootout will take place within less than 15 feet--so factors like ease of carry and familiarity will likely matter more than accuracy.
Finally, a heart is about fist sized, so, speed and accuracy within a fist sized group is what I shoot for.
Gets ready to get schooled by people who actually shoot for a living).
ETA: 3/5 1911s I've shot required some form of gunsmithing to run 100%, so keep that in mind, too (although that may be attributable to cheap WWB with a slightly longer OAL and weaker load than Blazer .45ACP loads).