Rock Island Armory makes a great, inexpensive, 1911. The fullsize GI goes for $380 or so, and a compact for $390. Personally, I carry a RIA Tactical that ran me $420 delivered, then I put Wilson parts in it, not that it was at all necessary, it was mostly cosmetic. Stock it shot one inch three-round groups offhand at fifteen yards with cheap reloads. Slide to frame fit is better than my Springfield and Colts, but no so tight that it causes stoppages. The only functional change I've made is to increase the stock spring from 16lb to 18.5lb to more reliably feed JHP and reduce peening between slide, buffer, and frame with +P defense ammo.
Centerfire Systems sell them generally for the best price online
The only downside is it's heavy, steel frame instead of alloy, but mechanically excellent. The frame is cast instead of forged like other 1911s, but with modern forgings that should not at all present issue.