If I squeeze out a male child I'd like to name him Edward, after my father. I think my older brothers called dibs. They're convinced they'll have little girls though. My sis-in-law had an uncle Ed and hated him. She told me she'd try to argue against the name.
I like my maternal grandfather's name, Lewis. My choice for male child name would be Edward Lewis ZombieSquirrel-BabyDaddy
I love my brothers, so if I don't get to name a child Edward, I'd probably name it after my brothers. Most likely Joseph after my oldest brother.
I have a feeling the sperm donor (aka father) will want a say in the matter.
I do NOT want girls. I know I can't really do much, but I really don't have a desire to raise a girl. There are soooo many girls in our family, so I believe it when my brothers say they'll most likely have females.
Attack ZombieSquirrels
Originally Posted by Plan9
She probably tastes like cheap beer and smells like a jockstrap.