I have strong views on this because I hate my given name (Sophia) so much. But SoPhia would be worse.
Do incipient parents actually think that giving their child an unusual or off the wall name will make the child more "cool" or special? And conversely that naming a child something like Mary or Bill will doom them to a life of mediocrity?
Will twenty first century Georges, Franklins, Catherines, and Theresas (if you can find any) be dullards due to their names?
Originally Posted by hunnychile
Every Gen X person I know has a son named "Liam" these days.
Quoted for truth! We become such lemmings in the pursuit distinction!
Must names (especially girl's names) now be clever, contrived, and/or ...precious to be considered?
Throw out all spelling conventions and have Bayleee, Sidni, Jaxon, Raegen, Emerzon, Chrystyne, etc.
Or throw an extra capital letter in there someplace: BritKnee, MarQuis, ShayLee, LilyOndra, etc.
Or we could apos'trophyze as well: Ja'Von, Ga'Nieyah, Adrien'ne ??
OK, rant over. Apologies thrown out in advance. Indulge yourselves.
Check out this site from I.N.C.H. the Institute for Naming Children Humanely
Institute for Naming Children Humanely Homepage