We don't have a set in stone routine, but our Saturdays typically involve me getting up before hubby and making coffee. I drink my coffee and catch up on my Facebook goings on while he wakes up. After he finally gets up, we almost always make a big family breakfast. I enjoy this because it's a good chance for hubby and I to discuss things while son plays. After breakfast I try to get the majority of the housework done so I don't have to worry about it the rest of the weekend. After that, we might see a movie, play a game, or do something else family oriented.
Sundays are less structured, with everyone doing their own thing. The only guarantee on Sundays is I do the grocery shopping; I'm a coupon clipper and wait for the Sunday paper before I do my shopping.
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"
Formerly Medusa