I'll second (or third - heh) men's hands. Big strong man hands. And good shoulders.
I like that men are, generally speaking, fairly uncomplicated. Not that they're shallow, or simple, but that they tend to have fewer pretenses than most of us women.
I have a hard time generalizing to "men." I know there are a lot of traits that are gender-specific, but I have a hard time separating my knowledge of individual men from larger trends.
Here are some more, though:
- Creative profanity. In general men are much better swearers than most of my women friends. And they are deeply impressed when I cuss like a sailor.
- Most men love to eat, and don't really care how many calories are in something. Or, if they do, they don't make a big deal out of it.
- They are so not ashamed of wanting sex. All the time.
- I love that you rarely hear men bitch about their bodies the way women do. Granted, we seem to have more pressure, but I believe that the bulk of it is self-imposed. Media be damned, you can choose to like your body regardless of what anybody else thinks.
- Let's not neglect the penis. Heh.
- I love how excited my husband gets about gadgets and toys and things. He's like a little boy. So unashamedly enthusiastic. That's not a "man" think per se, as much as it is something I adore about my husband.