Originally Posted by Latex Ren
It's interesting you just posted this. I read/listened to something on the internet the other day about the collapse of America and it's based on the pending financial doom.
The end result? Buy gold It will always be worth something as paper money needs to be based on something tangible.
well why gold...? gold rate varies and during times of trouble the goldbacking is not as reliable as essential goods and services originally backed by the paper money... i imagine vital goods and infrastructure etc being pledged and a global body is essential or countries powerful enough can do funny business with their currency .. like china..but not the first culprit.. the US infusions backed by nothing are also crazy..over printing leads to inflation they say..why do it then, plus that money is gonna become Foreign investment in other countries..buy up assets overseas with a strong currency and replenish+weaken it by printing more.. ? there has to be a global body to govern currencies , take out the probable manipulations ?
wish to understand the system .