Irony alert:
I bitching on Facebook about how it's stupid that all these sites like LinkedIn and Amazon (and now TFP) are making you change your password because of the Gawker hack, and how no one should be using the same password for stuff like that.
And then I remembered I made a throwaway account on Kotaku once to post on a video game story. So I downloaded the torrent of the password DB, and sure enough, my username, password, and email address were in plain text.
Better still, the 'throwaway' password I used since I didn't ever anticipate logging into any Gawker sites again, was the password I use for TFP, because when I first joined it was for the porn and the password was a throwaway. The same throwaway as Kotaku throwaway. It was a dictionary word, the worst for brute force.
TFP password changed to something a bit more secure, since I no longer view it as throwaway.