See someone shoplifting - What do you do?
Sometimes I think about things that happened when I was a kid and if and how those incidents shaped who I am today. Once when I was very young I was sitting in our car outside of a small town department store. The owner of the store was at the front near the door talking to two young men, one who was directly in front of the owner and the other(cohort) who was directly behind the one talking to the owner. As I watched, the one who was directly in front of the owner put his hand behind his back and the cohort took what looked like a pair of socks or a tie out of the hand and slipped it into his pocket. The owner was involved in the conversation and never noticed what was happening. At the time I'm not sure I really knew what was happening, but I knew that something was not right. Whomever I was with came back to the car and we were on our way. I never said anything. Who knows why.
I know we have a lot of shoplifting in this area now, because of the numerous police reports. However, people must be a lot better at it now because I never see anyone trying to lift anything or maybe I'm in too much of a hurry to notice. But if I did I'm not sure what I would do. Would I say something? Should I say something or is it best to mind my own business? Is "not wanting to get involved" the best way to go. What would you do? Have you been in this situation, and how did it turn out? I know shoplifting results in higher prices for consumers, but is it worth the trouble to get involved?
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.