I used to brew quite a bit about 20 years ago. I used to buy the grains and grind them and mash over a couple of days. I have a book from England with recipes on how to make beers like those you buy. I loved to make ales and stouts.
It then became difficult to get the grains in the stores so I switched to kits. I made both beer and wine. Sometimes I'd have a batch of beer and a red and white wine fermenting at once. I used to bottle the beer in 22 oz. Canadian "quart" size and I had a few hundred of them. I never labeled them, just wrote a letter on the cap to make a note of the batch, which I kept details of in a logbook.
Now I just make wine at places like Wine Kitz where you pay the money and pitch the yeast and then come back a month or two later and bottle. The wine is made on premises and they do all the work. Its not as much fun at it used to be, but my girlfriend is happier to get the mess and smell of fermenting out of the house.
I've since given away or lost most of my equipment. I have about 100 wine bottles, some large, some small. I have a batch of Merlot I need to bottle this week. I better start getting the bottles ready tomorrow.
"Do not resent growing old. Many are denied the privilege" Irish proverb