I'd rather be off alone than live with the foul breed of humanity your describing.
Too late: you already do. Look at any surveillance video from a Wal-Mart on Black Friday. Look at what happened in NOLA during Katrina. Hell: come look at my neighbors.
This bunch waited all of eight hours after their own kin: a mother, father, and 8-year-old boy, were wiped out in a head-on auto collisions before they started stripping the house. When they got caught hocking their dead relatives possessions, (guns, jewelry, electronics, appliances, the works) they rolled on each other and accused everybody down to kindergartners
from their own families of the crimes. Every 6-8 months, one of them robs a relative in order to feed their Meth habits or their desperate need for the latest Call Of Duty videogame. Go to any inner city or White Trash small town, and you'll find plenty of the same. Go to Monrovia or Srebrenica, and you'll see how thin and frail is the line between simply -robbing- neighbors, and raping them then killing them and -then- robbing them.
People are people, where they were borne makes no nevermind.
the neighborhood is wealthy very wealthy, ( I'm in a cheap little basement apartment ) two gated communities within a 5 min walk,
All of which are full of people who expect to get what they want, when they want it, -as- they want it. RIGHTNOW. These kinds of people will -not- do well when they have to either fight (hard) or work (harder, with their actual hands) for what they need to survive.
up on the hill to the north is a large gay community and to the south is a largely black community, mixed with pockets of gentrification.
None of which, within the context of 21st Century American culture, is accustomed to actually working for much beyond their next paycheck.
overall I'd say the "work together" community as larger than the "kill or be killed" community.
None of which does you jackshit for good when the "kill or be killed community" (ie MS-13, Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings, Aryan Nations, Hell's Angels, Mexican Mafia, or freelance Asshole Looters) decide to help themselves to whatever isn't nailed down and destroy whatever is. Again: if you think people like that don't exist, in large and well-armed numbers, go to any major city and take a walk in an area where your skin-tone doesn't match the local majority.
I'd like to think being prepared for any kind of breakdown would be more slanted to being useful and helpful rather than geared up for killing.
A good mindset, and useful/helpful...until the aforementioned Assholes decide they'd like to make use of your usefullness (or pussy, or asshole, or food, or fuel, or labour, or wife/kids) but would rather not feed you or compensate you. Those who beat their swords into ploughshares will plough for those who didn't. If this is your plan, better cozy up to a few neighbors such as myself: otherwise you are a large, conspicuous, unprotected target.
and I also think if you focus and plan for total kayos- brother against brother, you'll get just that.
And history (both modern and not-so-modern) shows that Total Chaos is, in fact, what you will get under the circumstances under discussion. Better to have a thing and never need it (STOMP kit, FN-FAL with 10,000 rounds, gas-mask, Egress Plan, etc) than to need it and not have it.