Trust is a necessary foundation to my romantic relationships and, imho, cheating is the most fundamental violation of that trust. I don't care if the woman I'm seeing is cheating with a man, a woman, a child, an animal or a dead body, cheating is cheating. If someone I'm seeing is developing feelings for someone else, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect the truth. If the roles were reversed and I was developing feelings for someone while in a relationship, if I couldn't simply get over those feelings I would be honest with my gf.
That said, I'm not against the idea of a trio should the three of us have honest romantic feelings and no aversions to the arrangement. Having gathered a bit of information on the trio relationship from other TFPers, I have to say it seems the relationship can be just as healthy as a duo. In other words, I'd have no problem with my girlfriend being in bed with our girlfriend, in fact I imagine it would make me happy.