Originally Posted by Zeraph
Why are you so sure? Look at the russians and what happened after the coldwar. We are in a similar situation with two wars going on (yeah, iraq is still a freaking war when it costs that much). And then we have North Korea running wild and the israeli poised to strike. We're setting up for another world war. And this time america doesn't have the same amount of resources.
Dude, you watch too much zombie flicks.
The reason this can't happen is because America ... United States of America, that is, is a civilized country. We have something in our society that developed in the late 70's called a "social safety net". Many already industrialized countries have this. Think of the infrastructure already in place. We have railways, airstrips and roads. We have security camera's and maps and plans to implement a nationwide maglev network. You think the people would give that amount of advanced civilization even after a nuclear war? These things are far too precious for a country to give up on right now.
About running out of food ... well, thats not going to happen. Already a very minimal population is responsible for producing food for the entire country.
But most importantly, a life without my conviniences i.e. Glee, Stargate Universe, Internet, Bars ... would break my mind.