I prefer mine small, like they were pre-childbirth. I was the opposite of you, snowy. They used to chant "flatsy" at me, after these flat dolls they made back in the stone age.
No longer though. I don't like that I often have to buy tops in a larger size just so the buttons won't pop. If I don't want to wear a higher cut top, there are concerns that my cleavage is just too much. I find larger to be more of a hindrance, other than the fact that some men may find it sexier or more attractive. No offense, but I couldn't care less what a woman thinks of my breasts.
I think that women are buying into the marketed perfection of the Victoria's Secret body. The fact that training bras no longer really exist; they've been replaced by underwired lifting bras that make young girls look like they have more, adding to the idea that larger is the way to go. It seems that breast size for young women equates to penis size for men. Smaller means you're less of a woman? Sad times.
As to implants, I think women like to think they do it for other women, but I believe they're afraid to admit they do it for men. It's easier to blame it on women rather than admit they want to feel sexually competitive.
As to who's more obsessed -- probably the women. Either men say this to women to get into their pants or the utterances I used to hear were true. "More than a handful is a waste."