Treat yourself to something fancy if you are spending the money to go out of the country... If you want to go cheap, a duffel bag will work fine. I've traveled for weeks at a time out of a cloth duffel bag without any problem... you really don't need anything more than that. Very light, just make sure it has a decent strap to put over your shoulder..
For jamming alot of stuff into a small space, I would suggest prepacking stuff into large 10 gallon heavy duty freezer bags. I got a few big bags, they seal on the top... one for pants, one for shirts and one for dirty stuff to prevent smell transfer. I also put my laptop inside of one, inside of it's laptop bag. I compress them and close them up and throw them into my bag. It makes it easier to sort though cloths. You can see though the bags, pick what you want to get out and grab it. No excessive digging and everything compresses right back in. I've found that this also waterproofs your stuff rather well. I've been caught on a plane and watched my bags sit in a total downpour for twenty minutes while the crew waits for it let up so they can put them into the dry plane. Having separate sealed bags will also help prevent you from transporting bed-bugs... your dirty laundry will remain contained and bugs will not be able to enter your clean bags while you are sleeping.
Last edited by AquaFox; 12-12-2010 at 09:19 PM..