Originally Posted by BadNick
Zooks, why couldn't you just lay down on the floor/ground? What's wrong with that? Was anybody naked?
That reminds me. I've had a thread idea just sitting in my notes for nearly a year, and truly, I've been meaning to start it ever since the idea formed, but I'm not sure where.
It's called (tentatively) "The Lying-Down Game" [alternative:
I have a few resources for it, but here's one example of wutziteyemean:
-- (to note: I'm not sure if the 'flatliner' above is alive; it resembles an eccentic statue.)
Most of what I'd ideally like to share are humans doing this, but I suppose pets, and babies, and eerie statues that embody the soul of the aim can also be contributed. I don't think Photography or Artwork is the proper forum, but I don't want to start it here either, lest it get buried within the first two days. I'll think of something.