Originally Posted by KirStang
Ahem. Here it is. Bolded, italicized and underlined for your edification.
Re: 2nd Amendment.
Go read Heller v. District of Columbia (or some shit.)
oh i heard what you said
though i still doubt you understood what it actually means
"But even if all those guns are added in, the total submitted for tracing since the start of fiscal 2007 doesn’t come close to the 29,000 figure that Mexico says it has recovered.
theres more than what you thought you were responsible for
see youre looking at it hoping you aint responsible
its that damn english language
once again thats plaguing you
allow me to compress for you
the total submitted
(that havent been determined
operative words here
doesnt come close to
the 29000
so anytime you wish to wake up
no probs there dude
we shant hold it against you
Re: 2nd Amendment.
Go read [I]Heller v. District of Columbia
ya mean this one?
Handgun possession is banned under District of Columbia (D) law. The law prohibits the registration of handguns and makes it a crime to carry an unregistered firearm. Furthermore all lawfully owned firearms must be kept unloaded and dissembled or bound by a trigger lock unless they are being used for lawful recreational activities or located in a place of business.
Dick Heller (P) is a special police officer in the District of Columbia. The District refused Heller’s application to register a handgun he wished to keep in his home. Heller filed this lawsuit in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia on Second Amendment grounds. Heller sought an injunction against enforcement of the bar on handgun registration, the licensing requirement prohibiting the carrying of a firearm in the home without a license, and the trigger-lock requirement insofar as it prohibits the use of functional firearms within the home.
The District Court dismissed Heller’s complaint.
would you please stop arguing my side?