Originally Posted by KirStang
How about
you actually
behind the statistics
and realize
that the 90% figure
comes from the 90% of traceable guns.
Besides, your
maple syrup
and hockey
getting harmed
our love
for guns
is it?
yes it is
its a fact that whatever happens down there
oozes beyond its borders
mexico being one
yet nay not your fault
so tell me dude
where do you think they come from
cant be the evil empire
supposedly you defeated them
(supposedly they were evil)
rest of the civilised world has controls on dissemination of assault weapons
yet you guys use them for hunting dear
sumthin bout god givin right
and now to peak your curiosity
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
now realise this will not go well
if you dont have a basic understanding of written english
ya game?
and the traceable thingy
what do you think their basing it on?
youre arguing nothing
but thanx just the same