I mostly wear jeans but in the past couple of years I've upgraded from T-shirts to button down collared shirts and or nice sweaters.
I've never been comfortable in formal wear and suits. I think that comes from my all of my suits over the years being ill-fitting and dated numbers that my mother picked up at second hand stores. I have no confidence in how they fit and I don't like fussing over them. They make me feel like a sham.
I'm going to buy a classic dark corduroy sport coat to augment my standard look at work and I kind of see it as a transition piece for wearing proper suits in the future.
When I look back at pictures from the 40's and 50's I'm always amazed that everyone wore hats. How did people deal with Hat-Head? I guess that's what all that pomade was for.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life