Obama has never been a frothing-at-the-mouth progressive, and a lot of Dems seem to have forgotten that, or maybe never believed it in the first place. I see a lot of people angry at him for being the same person they elected.
Reality, of course, has gotten in the way of campaign promises. People seem to think this is something new, as if it hasn't happened to every single president that has ever been elected in the history of the United States...not to mention they've only given him half a term to accomplish everything before giving Republicans the House (I'm sure that'll be a big help!).
The most outspoken Dems seem to expect an unprecedented level of perfection from Obama. They expect him to be a purist. I think that is what happened with G.W. Bush and those same Dems don't have too many nice things to say about that era.
Bad Luck City