Let me first say, this string was intended as satire, which was a colossal fail on my part. Since it evolved into an actual discussion, I'll roll with it.
RoachBoy- I apologize for calling you a Cunt. I misread 'op' as 'original poster' and took offense to a non-existent personal attack. I apologize.
As I said I'm not an Obama fan, but as our leader it's in my best interest he do well. Frankly, he's disappointed me no more than any other leader in memory.
I guess my biggest disappointment so far has been his change of attitude toward 'change'. He came in with big ideas and a can-do attitude, that has since withered to compromise and a band-aid.
I hear the arguments about idiots on both sides of the aisle in Congress and the Senate, but a true leader could and should pull everyone together. While running for office, it looked like he could pull this off. I've since come to believe his charisma, character and personality are just as scripted as his speeches. It's too bad really, we need change and I don't care which side it comes from, ultimately we are all on the same side. As long as the change is good for the nation, I'm all for it.
I just see all the Us ~vs~ Them as a further distraction for us, while they continue to grow richer and we continue to grow poorer. I no longer believe our government speaks for the people, nor do I believe they have our interests at heart.
It does surprise me that so many continue to defend a man who is no different than those they despise. He may speak different words, but his actions are the same. How does he deserve your support?
The Health care bill is already making things worse.
Gitmo is running along.
The war in the Middle East is still sucking us dry.
We are still dependent on foreign oil.
The economy is still in the toilet.
TSA is out of control.
The response to Wiki leaks has highlighted how much of a lie "transparency of government" is.
We are the laughing stock of the World because they all think we're supporting this stupidity.
And no one has been called to task over any of it.
It brings to mind a quote I read in my youth.
"Your actions speak so loudly, I can't hear what you're saying"
I don't see the possiblilty of any positive change in the near future either. As long as it takes $150M to run for President, the quality of the candidates will always lean toward the interests of the wealthy. As a people we need to enact the change.
Term limits in Congress and the Senate.
Ban lobbiest completely.
Remove business from government.
Ban government from business.
Enact a law mandating every law apply equally to everyone including politicians.
Complete transparency of government.
And loudly protest everything that is not in the interest of the nation.
Really, we are standing-by while 1% of the nation bends us over and takes turns. All the while arguing about who was worse, Bush or Obama. Neither, they are both blood sucking assholes looking to get even richer off the labor of the people.
The time has come to end the elected aristocracy and salvage what's left of our nation.
Methods, application and intensity of application vary by the individual. All legal wavers must be signed before 'treatment' begins. Self 'Medicating' is not recommend. However, if necessary, it is best to have an 'assistant' or 'soft landing zone' nearby. Any and all legal issues resulting from improperly applied techniques should be forwarded to: Dewy, Cheatum & Howe, Intercourse, PA 17534. Attn: Anonymous.