Originally Posted by dc_dux
You talk about issues? ...with who? Those folks you claim have "real" American values (paraphrasing) as you posted in another discussion?
Are you taking the position that there are no real American values?
I tried to explain the concept in the other thread, and I don't get what your actual position is. Are you suggesting there are no extreme right and extreme left values that are not reflective of what makes America the nation that it is?
Are you suggesting this country has no identity as defined by real American values?
There is the knee jerk reaction to the suggestion of real American values and then there is thoughtful reflection on the issue, let me know when you get beyond the knee jerk reaction.
When you run for elective office in NC supporting gay rights, let me know how that works out for you.
Deal. I am considering getting more involved and I may run for a state office. My concern is not my position on gay rights, but my lack of tact. The country is changing and so is NC. Even the Democrats are forging new ground in NC:
Dec 8, 2010
Mayor Anthony Foxx became the first sitting Charlotte mayor to hold a public meeting with the gay community Wednesday night.
"I have the real pleasure of serving 720,000 people who live in this city," Foxx said. "Every single person has a unique background."
Several community members who attended the talk at the Lesbian & Gay Community Center called it a huge step toward acceptance and equality for a city that has long kept its gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender residents at a distance.
"There is still this wide swath of conservatism in Charlotte," said Richard Thomas, chairman of the Mecklenburg Gay & Lesbian Political Action Committee. "The opportunity is phenomenal to now open that dialogue so that we can start change."
Foxx 1st mayor to meet with gay community - CharlotteObserver.com
And as to identity politics, only one party has numerous candidates who campaign on restoring (imposing) their version of "Christian" values to the nation ( as opposed to candidates who simply say they have such values at a personal level).
---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------
Can you imagine a Muslim candidate winning a Republican primary anywhere?
Yes. Niki Haley Gov. elect in SC is not Muslim, but she is female and of Indian descent. Not too much of a stretch for me to see a Muslim Republican win a primary. Or how about Jindal, he may even be a contender in 2012 for Pres. or VP. There are many in the party who don't fit your stereotyping.
I also find it very ironic on the issue of race for example. Black Republicans frequently win in mostly white and Republican districts, but you rarely have Black Democrats win in mostly white Democrat districts. But, Democrats often call Republicans racist. What's up with that?