Originally Posted by dc_dux
There is no hard data to support the notion that the top 2 percent of taxpayers would alter their spending and/or investing patterns with a 3% increase in their marginal rate.
What difference does it make whether it alters their spending, savings and investment patterns or not? It's that person's money and their right to do what they want with it. If they want to spend it, save it, give it away or just light it on fire, it's none of Washington's business. It's not Washington's money.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
There is also no hard data that if the rate were to remain the same for top bracket that it would be stimulative in any way...as opposed to extending unemployment insurance, which numerous studies have found results in significant stimulus - nearly $2 for every $1 in UI.
It's also none of Washington's business whether someone's income stimulates the economy or not. Once again, it's that person's money to do what he chooses to do with it. If he wants to emulate Scrooge McDuck, that's his right.