Fact check:
As for the claim that Democrats favor "a huge tax hike on small business," in the words of one ad, that’s also wrong for the vast majority of small-business owners. Only about 3 percent of those with any business income showing on their personal returns would see a tax increase. Republicans retreated to claiming that half the small-business "income" — as opposed to business owners — would see an increase. But that’s wrong, too. Much of the "small"-business income they are counting comes from businesses with yearly income of $50 million or more — which is big business income in just about anybody’s book.
Whoppers of Campaign 2010 | FactCheck.org
If you have hard data that restoring the marginal rate on the top bracket to 39% (from the current temporary 36%) would adversely impact those taxpayers, post it.
---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 PM ----------
ace...for the record, nearly 1/3 of the nearly $800 billion in the stimulus was tax cuts and tax relief- for individuals AND businesses (primarily small businesses), including extension of Enhanced Small Business Expensing (a temporary increase in limitations on expensing some depreciable business assets), 5-Year Carryback of Net Operating Losses for Small Businesses, Exclusion of 75% of Small Business Capital Gains from Taxes and others.